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Enhance Traveller Experience With Digital Communications

Enhance Traveller Experience With Digital Communications

Enhance Traveller Experience With Digital Communications

Enhance Traveller Experience With Digital Communications

By Jenn Gvozdek
Marketing Manager
February 12, 2018

We are a world on the move, and today’s traveller wants to get to their destination quickly and safely. Whether it’s a daily commute or weekend getaway, the options for transportation have never been broader. Digital communications not only help keep travellers up to date but can engage and entertain. Whether it is a real-time mobile app or a digital sign or an interactive wayfinding kiosk, digital communications provide a cost-effective way to inform travellers.

Airports have a vast amount of digital signage in use to both inform and entertain passengers. From the moment a flyer steps through the terminal door, he/she is inundated with screens—for check-in, ETAs, even where to pick up a snack. While seemingly excessive, this amount of information is a massive help to travellers and improves their overall travel experience. Digital signage is used for everything from touchscreen check-in kiosks to arrival/departure screens to directional signage to emergency notifications.

With heightened airport security, digital signage can also better prepare passengers by providing potential wait times. These screens can include engaging content like sales within terminal boutiques, available airport amenities, geographical trivia, weather conditions at various destinations, and more. When kept entertained, those in line are more likely to feel they waited for less time, resulting in less frustration. Should an emergency arise or an incident occurs, digital signs can also disperse critical information quickly.

On the highways, digital communications can alert drivers about accidents, offer an estimated travel time to a particular exit, and can even communicate whether lanes are closed due to ongoing construction. Not only can drivers plan their route better, but this type of communication enhances safety, as drivers are forewarned of issues they may face further down the road.

Digital billboards also provide a great way to entertain and inform drivers of new products and services as they drive to their destination.

Whether you are a daily commuter or a visitor, subways and trains can be confusing. From changing arrival/departure times to service interruptions to platform switches, digital signage provides a cost-effective way to get that information in front of travellers in real-time. Interactive wayfinding kiosks are also very helpful for visitors seeking assistance with finding the best route to their destination. These same kiosks can also assist when language barriers are problematic.

Similar to airports digital signage can also be used in train and subway stations for a multitude of additional uses including advertising, emergency notifications, and general information (news and weather).

Travel, 5 miles or 500, is stressful. When dealing with rush hour traffic or a long line at airport check-in, a person’s natural response is one of anxiety and annoyance. However, the Omnivex platform offers a unique opportunity to ease some of the angst a traveller encounters at airports, on roadways, or at train or bus stations. It’s a great platform to push real-time notifications so travellers can respond accordingly and get to where they most want to go, quickly and safely.

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Jennifer is Marketing Manager at Omnivex Corporation. She joined Omnivex in 2011 and is responsible for all aspects of marketing including strategy, communications, and execution. Jennifer has helped Omnivex redefine what digital signage is and how it can help organizations enhance and extend their two most valuable assets – people and data.

Jennifer brings 20 years of software industry marketing experience. She has held numerous marketing positions at software companies including PeopleSoft, Longview Solutions, and Microsoft. Prior to joining Omnivex, Jennifer was the Industry Marketing Manager for Microsoft Dynamics in Canada.

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